I've been tagged by Ali, Beryl, and Rosie....and they all want me to find the 6th photo in the 6th file of my pics....so here it is....
This was taken at a friends farm where we quite often pitch a tent and chill out ....it would have to be a bit warmer than it is now though !
I have to pass this on to 6 others....who also have to pass it on...
Well I'll add to this post tomorrow when I've had time to think...so look out...it might be you.......! Lol x
Here goes then....I am passing this on to....Indybev,Kathy,Pascale,Kelly,Sue and Buffy.....I hope you all join in and have fun guys! No pressure though....remember this is just for fun so if for any reason you aren't able, to then thats ok...!