I have been overwhelmed with three lovely awards...thank you so much x
I was given the blogging buddies award by the lovely Dawn ...thanks hon...and I am passing it on to Faye...Trudie...Hermine...Heather...and Carole Thanks for your friendship guys x
Please pass on your awards to 5 other buddies x
I was given the Stempel Award by Beryl who as you know makes the most beautiful cards. Thank you so much Beryl....what a wonderful surprise. I am in turn awarding it to five people who inspire me when I visit their blogs. Thank you also for coming to visit me. I would like to give it to Rosie...Dawn...Hilda ...Sandy... and Char ...Love you guys !
Please pass on this award to 5 people who brighten your day x
The Wylde Women award was very kindly given to me by Cynthia ...who you all know as "Rainbow Lady" This award can be passed on to one person...or a hundred ....and is for being generous (for instance with your ideas or time) towards other crafters. Thank you so much Cynthia. I would like to give this award to you all ....
....but I will award it to Annette....Voodoo Vixen... because she has encouraged me from the early days of my blog with her lovely comments and her witty remarks.
Annette...Please put a link to Tammy Vitale so that she can come and visit your wonderful blog and you hers x
Tammy Vitale initiated this award to thank other women for their inspiration,love and support. Please visit her blog for a mind blowing experience. You should be able to get there by clicking on...."women, Art, Life, Weaving It All Together" which is in "my favs" I'm sorry I don't know how to put a link on here.
Footnote...(I have been trying to work out how to do a link since Monday and will keep trying.....)